The density of the tile is measured by the amount of water it absorbs. Based on that amount, a tile falls into one of four categories. Those categories determine whether a particular tile is appropriate for indoor or outdoor use.…

Always low prices and high quality
The density of the tile is measured by the amount of water it absorbs. Based on that amount, a tile falls into one of four categories. Those categories determine whether a particular tile is appropriate for indoor or outdoor use.…
Tile Patterning is a design options that many people don’t even consider. Yet it’s one of the best ways tile can be used to express a personal style. Pattern options are almost endless and each can dramatically change the look…
Have you ever considered glass for your floor? It’s certainly not the first thing that pops into your head when considering your flooring alternatives, but it’s something to consider. Floor-rated glass tiles can bring beauty and strength as well as…