Are you installing in a high traffic area? As a general rule, high gloss floors show scratches and imperfections more easily. If the area you’re covering is a high traffic area, especially areas well traveled by children and large pets,…

Always low prices and high quality
Are you installing in a high traffic area? As a general rule, high gloss floors show scratches and imperfections more easily. If the area you’re covering is a high traffic area, especially areas well traveled by children and large pets,…
Where cost is a concern, professionally-installed laminate floors cost approximately the same as a Swedish-finished hardwood floor. So why choose it in the first place? Depending on the subflooring, solid wood may not be a possibility. Also, laminates are extremely…
The density of the tile is measured by the amount of water it absorbs. Based on that amount, a tile falls into one of four categories. Those categories determine whether a particular tile is appropriate for indoor or outdoor use.…
Most creaks and squeaks are caused by wood rubbing on wood – it’s a simple mechanical problem of too much material stuck in too small of a space. Many Hardwood flooring manufactures use a natural, organic material that expands and…
Tile Patterning is a design options that many people don’t even consider. Yet it’s one of the best ways tile can be used to express a personal style. Pattern options are almost endless and each can dramatically change the look…
The massive part of the laminate flooring is made of a water-resistant material whose purpose is to provide evenness and dimensional stability. All this material is covering a layer of polymer paper. This material is used because it helps to…
Home building and home ownership have really exploded in the past few generations. Flooring technologies have developed in leaps and bounds in that same time. However, one style that has been lost is the hand-made, antique look in favor of…
Different installation methods for wood flooring include Nail Down, Staple Down, Glue Down, and Free-Float. One problem when deciding to purchase a wood floor, is “which installation method will be right for me?” With several different methods to choose from,…
Wood floors are one of the few flooring options that become more beautiful with age. Like all natural products that experience change over time, wood floors will experience subtle color changes as they age. This natural process called patina will…
There are dozens of hardwood choices on the market today, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You may have already envisioned the color range that fits your style, but color is only the beginning. You also need to consider…
Oak Flooring is admired and appreciated for its strength, exceptional durability, and natural beauty. It’s the most common wood flooring used in American homes. The choice of white oak or red oak is largely a matter of personal choice, with…
Flooring options are increasing every day for the homeowner but few of these options offer the combination of traditional elegance and practicality as oak flooring. Oak has unquestioned durability—your oak floor will probably outlast you. The only weakness oak has…
Minor damage to hardwood floors can easily be repaired by a hardwood flooring professional, or even a handy do-it-yourselfer. Here are some common hardwood floor problems and solutions if your hardwood floor needs a little extra attention. Hardwood Floor Repair:…
If done correctly, hardwood floors are very easy to clean and maintain. Following proper steps will help ensure that your floors last for many years to come. Here are some important tips to follow when it comes to cleaning your…