There are dozens of hardwood choices on the market today, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You may have already envisioned the color range that fits your style, but color is only the beginning. You also need to consider the following:
Type of flooring: When we consider wood flooring, we generally picture pieces of real wood fitted together, the most traditional type of flooring available. Solid wood flooring is widely available with options in type of wood, grade, thickness and finish.
Solid wood flooring, ¾ inch thick: While this is the most traditional type of hardwood flooring and certainly the most durable, it is not always the most practical. The main advantage to thick solid hardwood flooring is potential centuries of wear. Some wood floors have survived over a hundred years…and some hundred-year-old woods have been pulled from old installations, re-milled, and recycled into new wood flooring. Yes, they are that durable. They can be re-sanded and refinished many times over the life of the floor, and while you can expect color changes within the wood over time, this usually serves to enhance the beauty, depth, and character.
The disadvantages to a solid wood floor are also obvious. Thick solid woods are especially vulnerable to moisture and most likely to warp and buckle in a wet climate or with improper installation. You should never install a thick solid wood floor directly over concrete; a wood subfloor is a must. Thick solid woods are also not recommended for subtropical, humid regions, unless the wood you choose is impervious to moisture, like woods traditionally chosen for ship building or those native to subtropical regions.
Solid wood flooring, 5/16, 3/8 or 1/2 inch thick: Thinner profile wood flooring offers a bit more versatility over thicker boards, but won’t wear as well or feel as solid. It is little less vulnerable to moisture and can be installed in more humid locations, but installation is still not recommended directly over concrete, below grade (ground level or sea level), or in areas where it may become saturated with standing water like bathrooms.
Engineered woods: Engineered woods are more stable due to their construction, a veneer glued over layered core, similar in construction to plywood with a hardwood top layer known as the wear layer. Engineered woods are more dimensionally stable than solid wood, meaning they are less vulnerable to moisture, and can be used below grade, directly over concrete, and in any humidity. The hard factory finish assures a long lifespan of 30-60 years depending on quality. In addition, engineered woods can be printed or stained to make a less expensive wood resemble a more exotic (and more expensive) choice.
Grades of wood: You should know that not all woods and manufacturers use this grading system. These are common, general terms, but may not apply to certain kinds of wood – for example Maple. Also, other terms may be in use by wood manufacturers who do not.