Are you installing in a high traffic area? As a general rule, high gloss floors show scratches and imperfections more easily. If the area you’re covering is a high traffic area, especially areas well traveled by children and large pets,…

Always low prices and high quality
Are you installing in a high traffic area? As a general rule, high gloss floors show scratches and imperfections more easily. If the area you’re covering is a high traffic area, especially areas well traveled by children and large pets,…
Where cost is a concern, professionally-installed laminate floors cost approximately the same as a Swedish-finished hardwood floor. So why choose it in the first place? Depending on the subflooring, solid wood may not be a possibility. Also, laminates are extremely…
The density of the tile is measured by the amount of water it absorbs. Based on that amount, a tile falls into one of four categories. Those categories determine whether a particular tile is appropriate for indoor or outdoor use.…
Most creaks and squeaks are caused by wood rubbing on wood – it’s a simple mechanical problem of too much material stuck in too small of a space. Many Hardwood flooring manufactures use a natural, organic material that expands and…
Tile Patterning is a design options that many people don’t even consider. Yet it’s one of the best ways tile can be used to express a personal style. Pattern options are almost endless and each can dramatically change the look…